Property Insurance Explained

home insurance |

Types of Property Insurance Contracts

Property policies are in general being classified into 3 major types.

Type Features Usage
Basic Fire This policy provides the entry level coverage :

  • Loss or damage to building due to fire, lightning or explosion caused by gas used for domestic use
  • Most basic cover
  • Low premium cost
House Owner This policy provides coverage against claims :

  • Loss or damage to building due to fire, lightning or explosion caused by gas used for domestic use
  • Loss or damage to building due to burst pipes, over flow water tank, theft
  • Loss or damage to building due to windstorm,flood, earthquake
  • Loss or damage to building by aircraft, road vehicles or animals
  • Coverage to building & structure
  • Affordable premium for a Good coverage
House Holder This policy insures the property owner against :

Loss or damage of household goods or personal effects against burglary, theft

  • Coverage of the household contents
  • Compliment the houseowner policy.

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