Today we turn to topic of “How to invest precious metals” i.e. Gold, Silver and Platinum. In general, there are 5 ways for a investor to buy or sell the precious metals. 1) Buy physical precious metals Invest in physical items like gold, silver or platinum bars or coins. At […]
Platinum, with chemical name of Pt is a rare metal, whitish in colour, long wearing, highly polish and usually is associated in jewelry as the combination of diamond and platinum rings, necklaces, pendants. When one is asked : Diamond vs Platinum, which one is more expensive ? Many will vote […]
Besides Gold, Silver is favourite among many collectors. Chemically, Silver symbol is Ag, while Gold is Au. Both of these precious metals share similiar electronic structures, they are electrical conductor, non-corrosive and easily formed. Unlike Gold , one key characteristic of Silver is that it perish and become irreplaceable during […]
In our interaction and discussions with clients or friends, we have always been asked a RED HOT question : ” Should I invest in Gold or Silver ?” Just like any other investments, it is always a tug of war game of Risk vs Rewards. In view of many has asked […]
As the crime rate continue to raise, vehicle thefts have also become so common that most car owner are concern of. So what you should know about motor insurance and making a claim when your vehicle is stolen. For most of us, we bought our vehicle with our hard-earned […]
Identity theft occurs when your personal sensitive data is duplicated or stolen and someone becomes “You” and take control of your financial identity. The impact of the identity theft could be disastrous to the real owner. The less sophisticated thief may forge your credit cards information and go on a […]
Investment-Linked policy (ILP) – a hot selling product of most life insurance company, it is also most policy holders favorite choice. Most likely when you are approached by an insurance agent, you are presented with ILP. Do you still remember why you got yourself an ILP? Do you understand the risks you are taking all […]
In this topic, we will explore the difference between flat rate (fixed rate) and flexi rate(floating rate) loans available in the financial market. In what circumstances should you choose a flat rate loan, and when adopting a flexi rate loan is to your advantage ? Flat rate(fixed rate) loan As […]
“Going Once…Going Twice…Sold to Mr.Wong!” Sound familiar? We used to hear this lines in the public auctions hall or while watching television program for art, collectible and etc. However many unaware of other type of auction – PROPERTY! While most of the collectible are auction for charity purposes. Properties are generally auctioned […]
What does financial freedom means to you ? Retire rich, need not worry and have built sufficient assets, with passive income and sit down to relax, see the world..? Asking the above questions will invite many interesting answers. In today topic, we would like to share with you some retirement […]